How the empire begun

How the empire begun

How the empire begun

A little bit about how the KJM/MotoGB empire started

When you think about buying a motorcycle, it's hard not to find one that isn't associated with KJM. Now, with 12 retail shops dotted around the north west & over 200 dealers linked through the parent company MotoGB - you just have to sit back and admire how far they have come. Below, I will try and give a brief look into the history that is behind this story of success, through knowing what a customer needs we have been able to build through trust & value, 2 words that are still as important today as they were back in the begining ...

“Golden oldies to dream machines” - Wigan Observer May 20th 1994

1994 is when KJM really started to shine, Keith Mason was already very well known throughout the industry for privately importing Honda Goldwings direct from America, at one point, he was outselling Honda UK! After huge success with the Goldwing’s, KJM moved their attention to parallel imports. Bringing in high end Superbikes and Cruisers from around Europe which were easily modified to be UK road compliant. Keith purchased his friend’s workshop ( formally Dave Smith Motorcycles ) who specialised in classic British bikes would continue to work along side each other for many years to come, building what would be the pinnacle of motorbike shops from that era.

Along with excellent back up, a family feel shop and seemingly unbelievably cheap prices on the imports, KJM fast became the place to go if you wanted a top of the range bike throughout the UK without having to pay through the nose for it. With his son Lee travelling up and down the county in his VW Caddy accompanied with his now wife Joanne and young daughter Laura, collecting and buying quality used bikes day and night, there lay a perfect recipe of hard work, enthusiasm and determination to make the shop work!

" Local firm is the place for bike lovers to visit " - Wigan Observer Sept 7th 1999

Fast forward almost 20 years since those articles, KJM Superbike is still the place to go if you want a quality, used bike. With the support of our family of 12 dealers & MotoGB, we have access to close to 1000 used bikes across the group.

Recognising ahead of time the winds of change and economic turmoils to evolve the business, adapting and growing where others merely sat and became victims of their ever decreasing comfort zones. KJM and its now parent company MotoGB stand as the largest independent motorcycle company in the UK.

Kjm is still here today by recognising that the only way to gain customer loyalty and support is through the commitment and ability of our staff, who we strive to continually develop in order to maintain and improve a high degree of customer satisfaction. We take pride in delivering the ‘KJM' experience...quality, performance, passion and enjoyment.

We here at KJM still rely on & nurture that family feel with the same excellent reputation which was created almost a quarter of a century ago. Come in and see for yourself, still going strong after all these years..

How the empire begun
How the empire begun
How the empire begun